
Showing posts from October, 2017

Turquoise-Browed Motmot

Turquoise-Browed  Motmot A bird full of stunning colors, the Turquoise-Browed Motmot can be found in the tropical areas of South America, although the origins of the bird trace back to Switzerland. They live in the thick rain forests where they try to blend in with their bright colors to hide from prey. Its plumage is extremely soft and it has a tail that can move in any direction **THANK YOU**

The kakapo

**kakapo** The kakapo, or the owl parrot, is one of the strangest and rarest nocturnal parrots in the world. This bird does not fly, but happens to be one of the longest-living birds. These parrots are also very heavy and large, reaching a weight of about 7.7 pounds and a height of about 24 inches. Kakapos are common in New Zealand, and they are known to be extremely smart animals, getting attached to people who are kind to it. Unfortunately, the Kakapo is nearly extinct and is considered 'critically endangered' by many bird specialist **THANK YOU**

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock A bird almost too beautiful to believe, these colorful creatures reside in the Andes Mountains of South America. They nest among the rocks in order to hide their extraordinary appearance that attracts preying eagles and jaguars. These birds have wonderful pompom-shaped crests atop their beaks which are used during the mating season to attract and impress females. **THANK YOU**

Kasbah Of Timiderte In Draa Valley

Timiderte Kasbah, Draa Valley, Morocco Kasbah Timidarte is located in the heart of a  palm grove  in the Draa Valley, between  Ouarzazate  and  Zagora , 15 km south of  Agdz . As an innovative pilot project for rural ecotourism in the region, the ancient Kasbah Timidarte has been restored with the greatest esteem for traditional southern Moroccan architecture. Through a subtle combination of tradition and modern technology, Kasbah Timidarte today offers comfort as well as cultural charm If you’ve ever wanted to ‘rock the kasbah,’ here’s your chance. Tourists are welcome here at the Timiderte Kasbah in Morocco’s Draa Valley, an arid landscape near the Atlas Mountains. The structure has been restored over the years, and it maintains the high walls and fortifications that are common in Moroccan kasbahs, which were historically built to provide protection. This part of the country is known as the ‘date basket of Morocco,’ with some 18 varieties produced here, includi

Mandarin Duck

W E L C O M E T O V I R T U A L A R T S Mandarin Duck This fabulous bird can only be found in southwest Asia, in Russia's Far East during the summer and China and Japan in the winter. The bird is a fast flyer that takes off almost vertically. This kind of duck rarely dives, and usually these ducks perch on tree branches or relax on rocks. This special bird is highly respected and prized in Asian society. **THANK YOU**

Hooded Pitohui

Hooded Pitohui is a rare bird The Hooded Pitohui is the famous songbird of New Guinea with bright black and orange plumage. It is considered to be the only poisonous bird in the world as its feathers can cause a burning sensation. The bird is poisonous because it eats Melyrid beetles, which are themselves poisonous. Their bright plumage is meant to warn other birds and species not to eat them! **THANK YOU**